2025 Band and Choir Trip
Registration Link: https://peakgrouptravel.groupcollect.com/v2/go/woodstown2025
WHS Choir and Band Parents & Guardians,
We are looking forward to our trip to Hershey this spring! It's going to be a great two days of travel and activities, plus performances and a festival competition for our choirs and bands!
All of the information for the trip is in our group's portal, here: https://peakgrouptravel.groupcollect.com/go/woodstown2025
At this point, we just need a parent or guardian from each family to create a login. If your child participated in the Washington DC trip last year, you will already have a login.
The festival company asks that parents/guardians create the login and complete the registration for their student so that follow-up emails or payment alerts are received directly. We had a couple of students register themselves last year and parents/guardians never got alerts, so please make sure you use an email address that you can access. If a family has more than one person traveling, multiple family members can be added under one login. The system will ask for basic demographics as well as emergency contact information and dietary and medical concerns. Please allow a few minutes from start to finish so that you can enter the necessary information.
On the website, the trip cost is listed as $390 ... and yes, trips keep getting more and more expensive, and it's a bit maddening as we try to continue to offer opportunities like these with rising costs. But we are planning on donations from the Choir Boosters and the Band Boosters that will bring the final cost to between $325 and $350.
The trip cost includes chartered bus transportation, hotel accommodations, park admission, clinician fees and some meals.
Payments for the trip will be spread out over the course of the school year. The first deadline shows up as December, but honestly, we have found that these deadlines are flexible. The important thing now is to get registered. In addition, our Choir Parent Association and Band Boosters have planned fundraisers to offset the costs of this trip. The first one is our advertisements for the concert program and if you have a local business, I'd suggest taking advantage of that since profits will go to your student's accounts.
Also, if you have existing funds in your band or choir account, we will make arrangements to send those amounts to the festival company by check to be credited to your individual account.
Mr. Gunther and Ms Sheridan